WALT: use maths equipment to show what a multiplication (times) equation looks like
Signs of Success
*I can say that x (times) means GROUPS OF or LOTS OF
*I can say how many lots of there are
*My equipment shows the correct number of groups
*I can skip count on the equipment to solve the problem
*I know that 3x5 looks different to 5x3 with equipment
WALT make a parachute that delivers its' payload safely to the ground.
Signs of success
*the payload drops slowly
*the payload is not too heavy
*the canopy is large enough to support the weight
We are learning to move in different ways and develop our throwing and catching skills with a small ball.
During Term 2 we had Ross from Kelly Sport come in and take the class for a few sessions.
We had warm up games of ball tag with a tennis ball. Then we played Gateways where you had to throw and catch a ball five times and the person without the ball had to move to another gateway and do the same thing. This made sure we worked with different partners. We had a lot of fun